Tag Archives: Recycling

Commissary find

My husband sent this little nugget from the commissary on base while in Hawaii. A recycling bin sat beneath this advertisement for bags to be used again.
Kudos to the commissary!


Difficult to recycle items that Terracycle will take

Terracycle, my partner in crime accepts all kinds of difficult to recycle items and pays for the shipping.

For example, my latest bathroom articles.


An empty soap dispenser (top and all), shaving soap packaging, the lid off a shampoo bottle, and dental floss packaging—none of which can be recycled.

Reuse, reuse, reuse

As a passenger in the car, I noticed I was driving behind something that made a lot of sense.

Though I’m not promoting Coca-cola in any way, shape or form because it’s horrible for you, it does make sense to reuse the bottles and recycle the cans.

If every company took on this attitude, we’d be a very different society. So, kudos to Coca-cola as a company for reusing, at least.

What company has surprised you lately?

Recycle those holiday cans for cash

Remember recycling cans (and sometimes bottles) equals cash. Turn those holiday parties into a little extra change.

We found this in Wisconsin the week we moved there but don’t think we ever used it but twice because we’d given up soda.


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Green things we did while sort of homeless #2

2. While between houses, we lived in a furnished apartment for 3 months, so okay, we weren’t really anywhere near homeless. But it did feel like it. Since, well, we didn’t have a home and our real home was now up for sale. They didn’t recycle at the apartment, but guess who did?

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#1 Moving boxes

1. Daily my mother traveled up the street to the Dollar Store or I trudged to the elementary school behind her home to pull out empty boxes from their trash and recycling bins.


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The sorry letter from Starbucks as to why they do not know whether their product can even be recycled.

Unable to find anything on the package about recycling (other than to recycle the box), I took the next step MissWhipLash from God’s Creatures encouraged me to do.
I wrote the company.


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Recycling on base

I don’t usually write about the actual military. I try to focus more on one single family trying to fight against the waste that we’ve found within the confines of the U.S. military.

I did want to share with you what I found on some of the military bases in the south of the United States. Though they could/can be doing SO MUCH more. It’s a start:

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Recycling every little thing

This is my little green set up or how my recycling program runs in the house. It is pretty messy…..are you ready for this?

Not the neatest, but we're working on it....

Not the neatest, but we’re working on it….

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Finding treasure in trash

Okay, it wasn’t actually in the trash can, my mother keeps stressing. (It was in the recycling bin.) But to me, it’s all about the same because they were throwing them away. Or shredding them up.

So, look what I found behind the local elementary school in the recycling bin!!

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