Category Archives: Packaging

A greener breakfast option

I found another breakfast option that contains no plastic.


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Packaging surprise

I received a gift in this little package and found it to be just about perfect.

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I’ll reuse it over composting it.

The sorry letter from Starbucks as to why they do not know whether their product can even be recycled.

Unable to find anything on the package about recycling (other than to recycle the box), I took the next step MissWhipLash from God’s Creatures encouraged me to do.
I wrote the company.


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Childhood disappointment

Before the pregnancy, I visited my father in south Georgia. We stopped to eat at a restaurant we frequented when I was a child.

Funny how you see things differently when you’re older.


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Recyclable spinach bag

The greener or more colorful the veggie, the more nutrients. I gave up iceberg lettuce years ago in favor of dark green spinach. But it isn’t always in season and I can’t always find it in bundles in the store to place in my own mesh bag.


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No to plastic bread bags

These drive me crazy. These bread bags are usually NOT recyclable. Which means, if I’m trying to follow a zero waste lifestyle, I had to give them up.

The dreaded plastic. It’s everywhere! I never even thought about it, until I started zero waste!

Granted, we aren’t big bread eaters, but when you want a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, it just doesn’t cut it on homemade tortillas. We decided to simply make our own bread.

One step closer to zero waste!

A tasty concoction.

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Switching toothbrushes and floss

The only toothbrushes we’ve found that are 100% compostable are sold in Canada. Well, if we have to have it shipped from another country, how are we reducing our carbon footprint?

So, we decided to buy what’s offered locally. We’ve switched brands of dental floss and I’m trying out a Preserve toothbrush made from recycled yogurt cups. (They also sell recyclable razors and tongue cleaners.) The toothbrush works the same as any other toothbrush I’ve ever owned.

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Dryer sheets….do we really need them?

Dryer sheets? Do we even need a dryer? I grew up in a household where we never used dryer sheets and hung our clothes on a clothesline. My husband grew up using both.

He’s been a real champ when it comes to a lot of the things I do–like refusing to dry clothes in the dryer or demanding we use grey water to flush the toilet. (He also eats everything I cook!) Many men wouldn’t go along with my green ways. My man was green in other ways when I met him. He preferred to use the Metro in D.C. (which made me horribly nauseous) rather than drive and was the one who introduced me to the world of composting. So, I feel when we married, amateur environmentalism was born.

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Packaged food

Packaged food

I’m most surprised by how much packaging we use, especially with food. We compost almost all food waste and paper. We recycle everything else, but the small amount of trash we generate is plastic from packaged foods that cannot be recycled. Not in this area, anyway.

Trash for the week....granola wrapper, cereal liner, dental floss case, bacon packaging

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