Category Archives: Waste

A nod to the Veterans Affairs hospitals

Check out this cup. It’s paper and I threw it in the compost when I finished with it.

Why don’t more places use these?

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“It’s like Wal-Mart or Target set afloat.”–Eriksen

My mother shared an article with me by Will Dunham from the Sun Sentinel published Thursday, December 18, 2014.

I wanted to pass the article on.
Made me blink twice.

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Zero waste with food

I’ve learned from Mrs. Green at My Zero Waste  about the shocking pounds of food we waste annually. By her bringing it to my attention, I attempt to clean out my fridge more often—because that’s really where my waste originates.


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Eating bad food in order not to waste

After reading Mrs. Green’s blog about not wasting food and her count down to September 2nd-8th Zero Waste Week, I attempted diligence all summer long.


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Unable to follow directions

Do you remember those tests they gave you in elementary school where the teacher told you to read the directions as she passed them out? The first two lines read, “Read all of the directions before beginning the test. Write your name at the top of your paper and put down your pencil.”

There were students who did just that and then sat, swinging their feet and twisting around to spy on all the students who raced to finish and answer number 15.

I made it all the way to # 15.



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