Tag Archives: militaryzerowaste

Trying shampoo bars

So, no poo was a big fail. I wrote about that disaster here.
How about shampoo bars?

This is what I found.




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Commissary find

My husband sent this little nugget from the commissary on base while in Hawaii. A recycling bin sat beneath this advertisement for bags to be used again.
Kudos to the commissary!


Quick, easy way to get rid of turkey leftovers!

My mother-in-law, the cooking genius, showed me this. It was so tasty, I had to freeze the rest of the turkey after Thanksgiving to try it myself! But if your Thanksgiving turkey is long gone, you can use the holiday turkey leftovers as well.


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Happy, happy holidays!

Times like today, we really do miss Wisconsin!

Writing her name on a frosted window pane.

Writing her name on a frosted window pane.

Enjoy some winter photos where we celebrated last year! It was like being in a post card, and by far my best holidays ever!

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Holiday makings where the snow doesn’t fall

It’s strange celebrating the winter holidays with no snow. It just seems unnatural. But I have to give it to south Florida, they really have tried to bring the winter festivities to town.

Even Santa wears sunglasses.


Here are a few of the holiday treats we’ve found around town. Continue reading

Where to recycle foil-lined coffee bags

Drink that holiday coffee and then recycle the bag. I finally found where to recycle those suckers. Someone who wants them!


Check it out

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Green things we did while sort of homeless #2

2. While between houses, we lived in a furnished apartment for 3 months, so okay, we weren’t really anywhere near homeless. But it did feel like it. Since, well, we didn’t have a home and our real home was now up for sale. They didn’t recycle at the apartment, but guess who did?

IMG_5419 Continue reading

#1 Moving boxes

1. Daily my mother traveled up the street to the Dollar Store or I trudged to the elementary school behind her home to pull out empty boxes from their trash and recycling bins.


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Look what we found at the Baltimore zoo…

During a week-long relaxing (yet busy!) visit to the in-laws, they wanted to take Miss Precious to the Baltimore zoo. I didn’t expect to see anything environmentally friendly at the zoo. Hmm…I spotted a recycling bin next to every trash receptacle. That made me happy.
Oh, and this guy… Continue reading

And the beat goes on…

Still packing and cleaning.

And it’s still all about the dog…


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