Tag Archives: Baby

What can I do with these diaper covers?

Any ideas?
I’m at a loss.

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Natural diaper rash cream already in your kitchen…

I wish I’d never bothered purchasing a bunch of diaper rash cream. I remember it was on sale in Wisconsin at the Amish store so I couldn’t resist. Needless to say, I didn’t need it much. But if I had known a cheap, more natural option was already in my kitchen…

Oh, the things we learn after the fact.


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And the beat goes on…

Still packing and cleaning.

And it’s still all about the dog…


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What’s been goin’ on

I’ve been at mama’s helping her pack for about a month. I’ve tried and tried to pinpoint something different or green that we’ve been doing here. But mostly we’ve just been packing (in boxes we already had, mama got from work, or I’ve pulled out of recycling bins, yay.) And cleaning, cleaning, cleaning. Trying to use up the cleaning products that are at the end.

Mostly it’s been all about the dog… IMG_4625   Continue reading

Composting diapers? You bet!

Humm…diapers that compost. Diapers that will disappear over a short period of time and leave nothing behind. Zero waste. I’ve found very few packages that make the claim their diapers are in fact, compostable. Most green-washed diapers claim “biodegradable and better for the environment.” How so?

Biodegradable does not mean compostable. Biodegradable means the plastic and diaper pieces break down into tiny bits of plastic and stay around forever. Hell, they probably end up in the plastic soup in the sea. Plastic soup you say? Google the Great Pacific Patch and see what you learn.

This is what I’ve discovered and learned in my short time as a mama (trying to tread environmentally lightly) while dealing with diapers. I’m sure I have much more to learn. This is also what the compostable diaper packages fail to stress…


Hmm, really? Because this packaging looks more like potato chip packaging that cannot be recycled. But composted? I sent this one in to Terracycle instead.

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What I do all day long with one tiny baby

Not a very green post, this one. Just thought I’d share a little. I don’t do that enough.

I am floored how busy I am with one kid. Just one. And granted, I realize my life isn’t any different from any other mother, but I just thought I’d give a peek into mine. And hey, it’s all new to me.

She looks innocent enough, doesn't she?

She looks innocent enough, doesn’t she?

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A sight that never grows old

There is nothing prettier to me than the bright whites blowing in the breeze…


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8 green ideas for baby working so far

I thought the baby would add all sorts of environmental things to write about. Not so. She’s made relatively little difference in our green lifestyle.

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Wiping out with wipies

We’ve been using homemade wipies–which were working out perfectly. UNTIL we moved into the hotel.

Not knowing how long we’d be here while we searched for a house, I opted to use disposable diapers and wipes only while we lived stranded in the hotel–away from the convenience of our poop/pee buckets and drying racks.

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Homemade wipies and how to make them

From the get-go, we shot for homemade wipies. I mean we had all these old white t-shirts, why not cut them up and reuse them? Why pay for wipes when it took minutes to make them?

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