Other green blogs!

I find both these environmental blog sites helpful, informative, and inspiring. Maybe you will too! I just had to share them with you! Take a look!

Lou & Liz is a blog written by two Canadian high schoolers who claim small changes make a big difference. And isn’t that the truth? Take a look at their ideas to change their city into one who utilizes reusable coffee mugs in order to reduce waste. One little idea is all it takes to make a drastic change. So young, and yet so aware, I see a bright future for these two activists! Follow them on Twitter at LouandLiz.

Waste AM is London waste fanatic Joddle’s blog about waste and climate, featuring reuse workshop ideas and tutorials. She writes about reusing, reducing, recycling, zero waste, plastic free, living green, energy innovations and what’s a waste of time. Her posts are informative, well-researched and all around helpful and enlightening. You can also check her out on Twitter under wasteAM.

“I am learning all the time.  The tombstone will be my diploma.”  ~Eartha Kitt

5 responses to “Other green blogs!

  1. Thanks for the shout out 🙂

    I’m with Lou and Liz – small changes can make a really big difference. Think of all the plastic they are saving from landfill or incineration with this campaign. Well done girls!

  2. Yes..from small acorns big oak tress grow, so every small step in the right direction does and will make a difference.

    Thank you Jennifer for telling us about these enterprising young people

  3. that was supposed to be trees

  4. Pingback: Guest post heads up! | Attempting zero waste lifestyle in a military household

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