Happy 4th of July

Today my man  was actually off work! Can you believe it? He’s NEVER off work. Ever, ever, ever. Ever.
Okay, he did have to go in from 5:00-7:30 a.m., but I was awake when he got home. (Which is a rarity, me up early,  eyes not propped open by toothpicks.) When he came in the door, I jumped at him, and he gave a little scream. Just kidding. But I did scare him.

“Let’s go to the beach! Right now before it gets muggy and sunny.” I’m not a big fan of sunny. I like it when it rains, and it’s cloudy. When it snows or storms blow through knocking over small trees. I didn’t eat breakfast or wash my face. I brushed my teeth and we flew out the door.

The water was perfect.

We stopped and had breakfast, and then a fabulous three-hour walk at Oceana Naval Air Station; Dam Neck Annex. I didn’t get sunburned. And no Brandy, I didn’t wear my shirt. (I didn’t go topless either.) Sunscreen was involved. We walked and walked until I started to limp, which is always the indication we’ve gone far enough for the day. It was practically deserted except for the dog walkers, and occasional fishermen. We picked up litter along the beach in celebration of keeping America clean. That’s how Lewis and Clark and Jefferson would have wanted it. It was our little bow to America, and to being green today.

Red, white, and blue with a dash of green. I hope everyone had a safe, leisurely 4th of July and at least had the chance to spend a few hours in the warm July air.

Thank you to our military–to our men and women who serve and their families who anxiously await their arrival back home (so they can jump at them and say, “Let’s go to the beach!”). We Love You!

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4 responses to “Happy 4th of July

  1. Glad you got to enjoy your 4th with your hubby. You’re both so cute!

    • Awww. You’re so sweet. We had such a good day. He’s worked so much this year, I’d almost forgotten what he looked like! ha! 🙂

  2. You guys are absolutely adorable. Enjoyed the video and your outing. The day looked beautiful and the beach super peaceful.

    • Thank you! 🙂
      It was the best weekend EVER. It was our 2nd anniversary weekend. The day was perfect. He was so happy. Thanks for reading!!

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